2009 Version Update History
Update 20.20 (5/1/2010)
- Fixed problem with SW Pacific storms (global
users only)
Update 20.19 (1/13/2010)
- Fixed problem with tray alert program (global
users only)
Update 20.18 (09/10/2009)
- Misc. tweaks to the main Hurricane Tracking
- Changes to the tray alert program
- Enhanced Desktop Satellite program to animate in a separate windows instead of
the desktop (must faster).
- Modified Excel Export function a bit
- Other minor changes
Update 20.17 (08/19/2009)
- Modified RECON HIRES processing to retrieve
more data
- Minor changes to the tray alert program
- Corrected Risk Alert "bar" values when wind probability is "N/A"
- Added code to prevent the deletion of the Small Map and Large Map location
Update 20.16 (08/15/2009)
- Fixed Narrative Impact Statement problem
- Minor changes to the User Preferences option
Update 20.15 (06/29/2009)
- Updated Atlantic Historical database to
include the latest re-analysis data. This affects the Hurricane History
programs data only
- Corrected rare location import problem
- Misc. minor fixes/changes in the main tracking module
- Added error message displays to manual execution of EMail Alert and Summary
- Modified the Tray message program to reduce/remove a file locking error
Update 20.11 (05/28/2009)
- Corrected minor Quickplot problem
- Corrected TrayMessage problem which only occurred on a few systems
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