2012 Version Update History
Update 23.15 (10/17/2013)
- Changes in anticipation and support of
rainfall forecast enhancements
Update 23.14 (06/03/2013)
- Correction to SLOSH reports
- Misc. fixes to tracking program
Update 23.12 (09/20/2012)
- Automated email issue corrected
- New Radar information file due to NWS changes
Update 23.10 (09/06/2012)
- Misc. minor changes to the video
refresh method
- Corrected an issue with auto update of surge prob data
- Added new info status field indicating model init time (in Model plot program)
Update 23.08 (08/14/2012)
- Misc. minor changes to the main
Hurrtrak program
- Updated QuickPlot to correct a rare email issue
- Added new Max favorite model
Update 23.06 (07/04/2012)
Delayed ExpertEase tab opening until after
Hurrtrak Online has signed in
- Model plot (end of program) issue fixed
- Fixed EZ report .. full state name had caused problems
- JTWC storms will estimate better to 96 and 120 hours
- Shape file export of observations for WPAC storms fixed
- Changed time format in some headers when using UTC time
- Auto create report on program load user option fixed
- Removed graphics(BMP) attachment for Automatic summary reports when sent in
PDF format.
Update 23.05 (06/04/2012)
- Video refresh
- Main Map display orientation
- Hurrhist Excel export
- Corrected minor misc. issues
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