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Recent HURRTRAK Software Enhancements...

Click on the item headings below for more information (some include video links)

"ExpertEase" – Our highly rated ExpertEase, will continue with the latest level of software and includes all 4 seasons making it a year round benefit. Please note that this feature is ONLY available to users who maintain the current version of the Hurrtrak software. In order to continue receiving these updates, you need to upgrade to the current software. For those less familiar with the feature, ExpertEase is a superior tool in your data arsenal. On a daily basis via video update, our chief meteorologist discusses current tropical (and now also non-tropical) conditions as well as what is likely to occur in the near term. These observations are integrated within the Hurrtrak program throughout the Atlantic Hurricane season and also available via a web browser. Unique to PC Weather Product’s portfolio, ExpertEase gives you “inside” knowledge of the factors and conditions affecting the path and strength of active tropical storms as well as the details on winter storms and spring severe weather. Remember, it is available to all users with current Hurrtrak software installed.

NHC forecast data enhancements –  The National Hurricane Center, in 2025, is including the 64 knot wind radii at the extended forecast time of 60 and 72 hours. Because of this we have made the necessary modifications to the software to utilize this data in all of our impact reports and graphics.

Revamped/Enhanced Damage Comments –  The Hurrtrak system includes considerable changes to the damage comments by including several addtional factors. They include storm surge probabilities, SLOSH estimated surge levels and wind damage descriptors including likelyhood of power outages based on the predominant tree species in the area, etc..

Narrative Impact Statement enhancements –  The Narrative Impact Statements have been improved to take advantage of the improved wind estimation calculations and the damage comment changes above. The location based impact statements include more information about storm surge impacts as well as more comments about potential damage to structures and infrastructure.

Automatic Summary Report enhancements –  The Automatic Summary Report has been enhanced to allow for dual reports with both AWE and non-AWE wind estimates.

SLOSH based storm surge levels –  We added program logic to estimate surge levels well ahead of the issuance of Hurricane Center storm surge watches and warnings. This is a huge improvment in the system allowing for planning well in advance of the arrival of the storm system.

Hurricane Forecast Wind Estimation Improvements –  With concept of constant improvement... we have continued to make enhancements to the wind estimation routines within the system.  All of these changes are "under the covers" within the program code.

2025 Parameters Updated – Our 2025 release includes the latest historical data as well as error cone radii, watch/warning points data and NWS zone changes.

Miscellaneous technical and user interface improvements - Several internal enhancements to keep up with the changing security nature of data and more consistent user interface methods.

and... more changes under development not yet listed here...




What's up

NEW versions of the HURRTRAK software are now available for ordering.  Call us at 800 605-2230.


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