Forecast Wind TREND for locations

A significant enhancement this year is the addition of a new report field… forecast wind trend.  It indicates the change in a location’s forecast wind from the prior forecast advisory and is extremely helpful in quantifying the effect of a newly released forecast from the National Hurricane Center (or JTWC).  This information will be included on all location impact type reports as well as the risk analysis function and the narrative impact statement.

Example of Wind Impact Summary Report with new Forecast Wind Trend field
(click on image below to see an example of a pdf report)

Notice how the trend field indicates how some areas have had their forecast wind increase significantly and other areas decrease.

The Forecast Wind Trend information is included in the Narrative Impact Statement

As well as in the Executive Summary and Risk Impact Reports
(click on image below to see an example of a pdf report)

Risk Impact Report
(click on image below to see an example of a pdf report)