PC Weather Products HURRTRAK Training Topics

A series of pre-recorded Audio/Video sessions conducted by our software developers


General Information videos

 General Introduction on Video Training (7 minutes)

Funny Video on "why we have training" (1 minute)

 Introduction to Hurrtrak System (23 minutes)


Yearly supplemental videos
(describes new features in each version)

HURRTRAK 2006 Training supplement (65 minutes)

HURRTRAK 2007 Training supplement (80 minutes)

HURRTRAK 2008 Training supplement (79 minutes)

HURRTRAK 2009 Training supplement  (65 minutes)

HURRTRAK 2010 Training supplement (85 minutes)

HURRTRAK 2011 Training supplement
(Click here for IPAD compatible video)

HURRTRAK 2012 Training supplement
(Click here for IPAD compatible video)

HURRTRAK 2013 Training supplement
(Click here for IPAD compatible video)

HURRTRAK 2014 Training supplement
(Click here for IPAD compatible video)

HURRTRAK 2015 Training supplement
(Click here for IPAD compatible video)

HURRTRAK 2016 Training supplement
(Click here for IPAD compatible video)

HURRTRAK 2017 Training supplement


2017 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

A Hurrtrak Refresher (8/17/2017)


2016 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

A Hurrtrak Refresher (8/24/2016)

Using Hurrtrak during Matthew (10/5/2016) -

Using Hurrtrak during Matthew (another one) (10/7/2016) -


2015 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Hurrtrak 2015 new features (8/12/2015)

A Hurrtrak Refresher (8/26/2015)

Hurrtrak for New Users (part 1 of 2) (8/19/2015)

Hurrtrak for New Users (part 2 of 2) (8/20/2015)


2014 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Using Hurrtrak during a Storm Event (5/15/2014)

Hurrtrak 2014 new features (6/20/2014)

Hurrtrak for New Users (part 1 of 2) (8/13/2014)

Hurrtrak for New Users (part 2 of 2) (8/14/2014)


2013 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Introduction to new 2013 features (6/20/2013)

Hurrtrak for New Users (2 hours) (7/18/2013)


2012 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Introduction to new 2012 features (6/14/2012)

Hurrtrak for New Users (part 1 of 2) (7/11/2012)

Hurrtrak for New Users (part 2 of 2) (7/18/2012)

Hurrtrak's Additional Capabilities (8/1//2012)


2011 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Introduction to new 2011 features (6/09/2011)

Hurrtrak for new users (6/23/2011)

Introduction to Hurricanes / Tropical Cyclones (7/14/2011)

Automatic Summary Reports (7/28/2011)

Other Automations (7/28/2011)

Email Alerts (8/4/2011)


2010 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Introduction to new 2010 features (6/10/2010)

Hurrtrak for new users (6/23/2010)

Potpourri (6/30/2010)
Modelplot, Recon, Storm Surge, Showing Hurricane Alex on Hurrtrak)

Google Earth (8/1/2010)

Special EM Session (8/9/2010)
Special "round" table discussion of Emergency Managers)



2009 Lunch-N-Learn Sessions
(each are approximately 1 hour)

Introduction to new 2009 features (6/24/2009)

Hurrtrak for new users (7/14/2009)

Additional Hurrtrak system modules (7/22/2009)
(Tray Alerts, Desktop Satellite, Storm Surge, Quick Plot, Model Plot, Recon Plot
Hurricane History, Custom Maps, HWind Plot, Location Import) (HWIND Retired)

Google Earth Interface (7/29/2009)

EMail Alerts and Automated Summary Reports - Part 1 (8/6/2009)

EMail Alerts and Automated Summary Reports - Part 2 (8/10/2009)

Hurrtrak Reporting and Decision Support tools (8/26/2009)


Hurricane Tracking & Analysis videos


Overview of the Hurrtrak System (48 minutes)  

Hurrtrak for "dummies" or how to get started using the system (40 minutes)

System & User Preferences

System Setup Options (38 minutes)

User Preferences (92 minutes total)

Hurrtrak Menu Options

File Menu Options (9 minutes)  

Edit Menu Options (16 minutes)

Reports Menu Options (30 minutes)

Google Earth Export Menu Options 25 minutes)

Tools Options (31 minutes)

Help Options (3 minutes)

Miscellaneous menu options in support of tabs (14 minutes)
Tracking System General tabs
General Information/Database Tab (7 minutes) Hurrtrak Online Tab (3 minutes)
Internet Data Tab (2 minutes)  
Tracking System Graphics Tabs
Map Selection Tab (9 minutes)   Tracking Chart Tabs (28 minutes)
Wind Band Analysis Tab (11 minutes) Strike Probability Analysis Tab (9 minutes)
Forecast Rainfall Analysis Tab (7 minutes) Forecast Rainfall Thematic Tab (5 minutes)
Animation Tab (11 minutes) Forecast Position Tab (6 minutes)
3D Wind Surface Tab (7 minutes)  
Tracking System Text/Table/Graph Tabs
National Hurricane Center Outlook/Advisory Tabs (7 minutes) User Comment / Diary Tab (2 minutes)
Tracking System Table Tabs (7 minutes) Wind Speed & Central Pressure Graph Tabs (3 minutes)
Report Tabs
Report Tabs (13 minutes) County/Zip wind thematic tab (2 minutes)
HURRTRAK Online Troubleshooting  
How to setup Automatic EMail Alerts (39 minutes)   CLICK HERE FOR IPAD VIDEO Hurrtrak tracking maps (13 minutes)
How to setup Automatic Summary Reports (35 minutes)  CLICK HERE FOR IPAD VIDEO Animating with range rings (2 minutes)
How to setup "Other" Automations (24 minutes)  CLICK HERE FOR IPAD VIDEO Location Import Utility (Hurrtrak Advanced only) (6 minutes)
"Special" EMail Alert (advanced topic) (7 minutes) CLICK HERE FOR IPAD VIDEO Multiple Storm Plots (6 minutes)
How to create an exercise or test storm (3 minutes) CLICK HERE FOR IPAD VIDEO Overlay Control Center (Hurrtrak Advanced only) (13 minutes)
Advanced Wind Estimation (AWE) (43 minutes) Risk Alert (5 minutes)
Climate forecast (4 minutes) Shape File Export (Hurrtrak Advanced only) (8 minutes)
Eye/Eye Wall / Wind Radii comments (11 minutes) SLOSH Data Summary (7 minutes)
Flood Index summary (8 minutes) Sources of HURRTRAK Data (4 minutes)
GIS wind band export (5 minutes) What if Capabilities (9 minutes)
Global Tracker considerations (7 minutes) Wind Pattern Display (3 minutes)
Google Earth Interface (4 minutes) Action/Decision Points (20 minutes)

Other Modules in the HURRTRAK System

Hurricane History (20 minutes)  H*WIND Display (8 minutes)
MODELPLOT (5 minutes) QUICKPLOT (11 minutes)
RECON (13 minutes) SLOSHVIEW (36 minutes) 

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