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2015 HURRTRAK Software Enhancements...

Click on the item headings below for more information.

"ExpertEase" – Our highly rated ExpertEase, will continue in the 2015 software with one important change: it includes the Winter and Spring months, making it a year round benefit. Please note that this feature is ONLY available to users who maintain the current version of the Hurrtrak software. In order to continue receiving these updates, you need to upgrade to the 2015 software. For those less familiar with this feature, ExpertEase provides another tool in your data arsenal. On a daily basis, our chief meteorologist discusses via video update, current tropical (and now also non-tropical) conditions as well as what is likely to occur in the near term. His observations are integrated within the Hurrtrak program throughout the Atlantic Hurricane season and available via a web browser in the off-season. Unique to PC Weather Products portfolio, ExpertEase gives you “inside” knowledge of the factors and conditions affecting the path and strength of active tropical storms and/or the tropical season in general. Remember, it is available to all users with current Hurrtrak software installed and now includes winter and spring weather.

Forecast Trend added to impact reports - A significant enhancement this year is the addition of a new report field… forecast wind trend. It indicates the change in a location’s forecast wind from the prior forecast advisory and is extremely helpful in quantifying the effect of a newly released forecast from the National Hurricane Center (or JTWC). This information will be included on all location impact type reports as well as the risk analysis function and the narrative impact statement.

Enhanced wind estimation (varying elevations) - In addition to "tweaking" the forecast/actual wind estimation, a new feature allows you to estimate winds at different elevation levels. For example, you can estimate winds on top of a high rise building or on top of a rig vs. nearer ground level. This is especially useful if you need to consider assets at elevations other than 33 feet (the default for the system).

Forecast Trend thematic - Related to the forecast wind trend enhancement mentioned above, we also show the Trend information in a county thematic format.  This allows the user to quickly... and graphically see the effects of a change in the storm's forecast.  Click on the heading to see an example with Hurricane Charley in 2004.

Current Weather Observations & Depiction – We have enhanced this feature in 2015 by adding the display and reporting of Precipitation, Relative Humidity and Heat Index. This feature allows the user to examine current observations for all official weather stations, coastal NOAA operated stations, Buoy, Oil Rig and Ship Reports. The data includes current weather, wind speeds (of course), wave heights, Pressure, Ocean Temperatures, Air Temperature, Dew Points, Local storm reports… and now precipitation, humidity and heat index. This is all presented in a user friendly format including the depiction of current tropical cyclones and the ability to plot graphically the parameters mentioned above. Sample uses of this feature include:

• Comparison of forecast vs actual developing conditions
• Easy, quick displays of smaller scale events away from the storm’s circulation (i.e. feeder bands)
• Real time, multiple source on-site reports, indicating storm effects on the ground
• The ability to view local (or worldwide) weather observations, even without active tropical storms
• Depiction of formation "alert" areas
• and now... real time depiction of dangerous heat indices, daily precipitation amounts and relative humidity.

Usability improvements - Several improvements have been made to our system including handling situations where un-named tropical depressions become a named tropical storm. Users need not remember to open a new storm name.

Cross wind calculations - We have enhanced the system for users who need to know the onset of 25 knot crosswinds as a storm approaches as well as the time of the last 25 knot crosswind as it moves away. This is particularly useful for users involved with airport/runway operations.

Enhanced Wind Probabilities - For users of the Global or Advanced software we have extended the wind probability reporting and display to the Western Pacific.

Excel export enhancements Excel export now includes forecast wind trend data and the additional observation data information.

Risk Impact Summary ReportsAutomatic and manual Risk Impact Reports now include forecast wind trend information.

Narrative Impact Description - The narrative now includes commentary on the forecast wind trend for the analyzed location.

SLOSH/Storm Surge improvements  – SLOSH basins which have been updated will be rolled into the 2015 release.  As of mid March, 2015 this includes the following basins, Chesapeake Bay, New Orleans and other to be determined.  Much more detail along with software improvements have made the Storm Surge program easier to use.

Enhanced Network Operations For Network version customers, we have added additional support to allow the server process all updates and automation (i.e. EMail Alerts).  This facilitates unmanned 24/7 processing and allows workstation users to operate the system in a more efficient manner.

System AppearanceWe have added a few more themes/skins to give the application a custom appearance.

and... more changes under development not yet listed here...

For a complete change history for all products/services, click on the product enhancements link below.



What's up

NEW versions of the HURRTRAK software are now available for ordering.  Call us at 800 605-2230.


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