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HURRTRAK EM/Pro Version 2025

PC Weather Products, is a market leader in the design, development and delivery of Hurricane tracking, analysis and planning software. We have worked with emergency managers and disaster specialists to develop HURRTRAK EM/Pro for Windows...a product designed for the emergency professional whose work demands the highest level of information possible regarding hurricanes and their impact. Features like the MOM SLOSH and Surge Probability Analysis, Tray Alert System, coastal flood index, strike probabilities, storm animation, impact analysis, Email capabilities (integrated with MS Outlook), hurricane reconnaissance display, forecast rainfall and detailed reporting and enhanced decision support make this an essential tool. In addition, HURRTRAK EM/Pro interfaces with the HURRTRAK-ONLINE service (additional yearly charge) which provides the latest storm information and forecast data on a real time basis...eliminating the need for data entry.

Hurrtrak EM/Pro also include Severe Weather Alerting and Notification capabilities. These capabilities add the ability to notify via email or "desktop" pop-ups when severe or damaging weather is approaching.

PC Weather Products provides products and services to a wide range of business and government customers. Our Hurricane Tracking and Analysis Systems have assisted emergency planning professionals around the world for years.

Now, PC Weather Products is pleased to announce HURRTRAK-EM/Pro 2025 for Windows.  It features...

"True" Pan and Zoom Interface.  We now offer "true" Pan and Zoom capabilities.  Now, after “building” an image with several tracking selections…you can zoom in, zoom out, or move the map.  Regardless, all of your tracking selections remain! 

"Expert Ease" On a daily basis, our chief meteorologist will discuss, via video update, current tropical conditions as well as what is likely to occur in the near term. His observations are integrated within the Hurrtrak program throughout the Atlantic Hurricane season.

"Enhanced Hurricane Watches and Warnings" The National Weather Service / Hurricane Center is improving the depiction of wind watches and warnings... and adding in 2018, accurate Storm Surge watches and warnings. new4.gif (918 bytes)
"Potential Tropical Cyclones" This year the National Weather Service (NWS) will have the option to issue advisories and watches & warnings for disturbances that are not yet tropical cyclones, but which pose the threat of bringing tropical storm or hurricane conditions to land areas within 48 hours. new4.gif (918 bytes)
"Enhanced Storm Surge Probabilities" – Severe Weather Watch & Warning Alerting allows the user to quickly receive notifications when severe weather threatens any set of locations. Alerts are delivered via email or shown on the "desktop". new4.gif (918 bytes)
"Observed Storm Report" – A new report that list the local storm reports for a specified time period and area.  As with all Hurrtrak reports... this report can easily be shared with others via email. new4.gif (918 bytes)
"Warnings Report" – A new report that list the active tornado and thunderstorm warnings for a specified area.  As with all Hurrtrak reports... this report can easily be shared with others via email. new4.gif (918 bytes)
"Severe Weather Alerting System" – Severe Weather Watch & Warning Alerting allows the user to quickly receive notifications when severe weather threatens any set of locations. Alerts are delivered via email or shown on the "desktop".
"Storm Report Notification and Alerting" – This feature alerts users when a storm is reported (on the ground).  Alerts can be configured for any location or set of locations and delivered on the "desktop" or via email.
"Observed Weather Notifications" – Similar to the 2 items above, this feature will send out alerts when any official weather station observes a severe weather conditions.  i.e. heavy thunderstorm, hail, damaging wind reports.  Again... alerts are sent out via Email or shown on the desktop.
"Point and Click GFS forecast and report" – Within the observation module you can now show forecast generated by the US Model (GFS) in both textual and digital form.  In addition, a summary report can be generated for a set of locations giving the user a quick view of forecasted conditions for sites they monitor.

"Forecast Wind Trend" – Forecast wind trend indicates the change in a location’s forecast wind from the prior forecast advisory and is extremely helpful in quantifying the effect of a newly released forecast from the National Hurricane Center (or JTWC). This information will be included on all location impact type reports as well as the risk analysis function and the narrative impact statement.

"Desktop Rebuild" – The Hurrtrak system will “remember” the graphics, reports and animations created/viewed for a storm, and recreate them automatically when reloading or when storm data is updated.  Items automatically rebuilt include ALL of the tracking charts and the options displayed on them.

"Current Weather/Depiction" – Examine current observations for all official weather stations, NOAA operated coastal stations, Buoys, Oil Rigs, Ship Reports and observed storm reports (over 5000 stations). Data includes Wind Speeds, Wave Heights, Pressure, Ocean Temperatures, Air Temperature, Dew Points and Local Storm Reports. new4.gif (918 bytes)

"Watches/Warnings" – The system is now able to determine whether individual locations are included within NHC/NWS issued hurricane and tropical storm watches and warnings. This is displayed graphically and also included on all location based reports. These include the EZ-report, Location Wind Profile, County Wind Profile, Zip Code Wind Profile, Executive and Risk-Impact reports. . new4.gif (918 bytes)

EZ Map Enables both new and seasoned users to be more productive immediately. Press a button, and the system generates a tracking map for a current storm with all of the most common plot options. Choose from a default to user specific options.

EZ Report Designed for new users, but useful for everyone. Simply supply a valid US address (street address, city-state, zip code) and the system generates an informative report for that single location.  Just click on the "EZ" button, supply an address and you have your report... Boom! 

Data Layering - The ability to easily view/hide different data layers.
More Maps! - We have added a few more topo/relief type maps to the system.
Simplified Google Earth Selection and Output - With just one click , you can create a collection of Google Earth output and bundle them into one file.... and, you can either save it as a file, save it to the EMail Outbox for later EMailing.  EMail it immediately or initiate a Google Earth session.  In addition, Google Earth files can now be automatically generated an Emailed when new data arrives on a current storm.
Redesigned EMail Alerts - In 2011 we have simplified the creation and execution of EMail Alerts.  We have also added a new EMail Alert type called a Location Group Alert.
Revamped Automatic Summary Reports - We have also simplified the definition and execution of Automatic Summary Reports.  In addition, we have added a new Automatic report... Risk/Impact report..    
New Automation - In 2011 we have added a whole new category of Automation outputs.. they include, Tracking Maps, Google Earth KML/KMZ, EXCEL and Shape File output.  These output files can either be saved as a file and/or emailed.
Enhanced Usability  - A recent "facelift" provides greater use of command and toolbars as well as ease in selection of maps and satellite images.
Multiple EMail Attachments - For anyone who emails information from the Hurrtrak system.. and who doesn't...  this is a welcome time saving addition which allows the user to send multiple application outputs in a single email.
Interactive Wind Speed Forecast - Just “point & click” on a tracking map and display forecast wind speeds for desired location.
Risk/Impact Tab- New tab displays the Risk/Impact information, along with a wind speed/ direction graph for all your base locations.
Risk/Impact Reporting - New report displays the Risk/Impact information, along with a wind speed/ direction graph for any set of locations.
Application "Skins" - Personalize your system's look and feel by using different application color and font schemes or "skins" with the Hurrtrak Application.  Enhanced in 2011.   

Tray Alert Messaging - We found that Hurrtrak users busy at their workstations desired a way to be alerted to new and changing conditions in the tropics. No problem! In 2009 we are introducing a "tray alert messaging" (TAM) system. TAM notifies our users, via pop-up tray messages, of several noteworthy conditions including: the formation of new storms, storm strengthening or weakening, the issuance of watches or warnings, updated storm data, issuance of the last advisory, new tropical weather outlooks or new tropical disturbance statements.

Native Google Earth support.  In addition to the graphics interface below, this function export KML (Google Earth's native language) that represents a significant number of a storm's observed and forecast parameters.
Expanded Google Earth Information.  In addition to the LARGE amount of hurricane information that the user is able to export from the HURRTRAK system, you can also superimpose National Weather Service information on the same Google Earth “image”.

Storm Surge Probabilities - The Hurrtrak system has the ability to display…both graphically and through reports, storm surge probabilities for 2' - 25’. This combined with enhanced SLOSH information, provides users with the most detailed storm surge information available.

Narrative Impact Statements - In addition to the summary and detailed impact reports, in 2009 we have added the ability to show a "computer AI generated" narrative description of the impact to a location. This can be viewed for the base location, any location in a summary impact report and/or in the auto generated summary report. Both standard and "executive" formats are available.

"True" Pan and Zoom mapping in SloshView - 2009 brings Pan & Zoom capabilities to the Slosh display program. This allows the user to select a different map region to analyze without having to "reset" the map and redefine the storm surge parameters.
Location plot font control - In the 2009 version, users have the option to select the font type, color, and size used to plot a location on a tracking chart. The color can be controlled by location groups or individual location... thus enabling the user to "highlight" critical locations on a map.
Tropical Disturbance Statements - Tropical disturbance statements will now be part of the Hurrtrak Online data stream and displayed in the Hurrtrak system.
Multiple "undo" levels - Enhancements to the user interface now include the ability to undo multiple plotting layers.  
Average Forecast Error Enhancements - We have added the ability to plot the 72 and/or 120 hour forecast average error.
Forecast Model Selection Enhancements - Users can now be more selective of which forecast models to plot.  (Selection is by type and time period.)
Enhanced Risk Alert - Both wind probability and wind probability trend have been added to the risk alert table.
Integration with Google Earth.  This function provides the ability to export just about all of the system graphics and display them on Google Earth.  
Summary Report Google Earth Export with live web cams  With the summary report export, you have the ability to view a "live" web cam image of the location being analyzed!  The system is pre-loaded with about 100 web cams links.  Alternatively, you may choose to override these locations and define your own live or static images!  

Expanded Historical Storm Databases.  The system has all storm databases from 1851 to 2021.  They are accessible from the main tracking program (i.e. not just the History module).   The wind radii data is estimated for storms from 1851-1980

Damage Comments.  The summary impact report which details expected wind speeds for locations has a damage comment column which describes the likely damage using either the Saffir-Simpson scale or a modified Texas Tech University scale 

 Wind Pattern graphic which shows the wind field pattern around the storm.
 Animated Wind Pattern graphic.  Same idea as above but now it can be animated.  
Support of National Hurricane Center Wind Probabilities
Multi-colored wind arrows showing the storm's wind vectors.
Forecast Eye diameter control.  This improves the accuracy of all wind impact calculations 
Non-Location based Summary reports.  These reports have been expanded to allow for storm only based reports. 
Custom Summary reports.  User's can define the sections of the report they would like to include/exclude.
Chart Note display improvements.  Chart notes can be displayed manually using drag and drop. (links show short video of this function)  
emailsend.gif (10183 bytes) Outlook Email enhancement whereby the user can save the Hurrtrak initiated email to the drafts folder (to be sent) instead of sending directly from HURRTRAK.
National Mosaic Radar can now be used as a background tracking map
Integration with Microsoft's EXCEL system.  This function provides the ability to export all reports and tables to EXCEL in order to do further analysis.
Significant advancements in wind estimation techniques by analyzing a storm's position every 30 minutes instead of once an hour.
Forecast rainfall has been added to the base impact report (on main tab) as well as the alerts, summary and location and county forecast impact report .

Depiction of eye and eye wall during animation sequence. 

Enhanced SLOSH report that allows a user to create a report for any location group

Enhanced eye wall depiction allowing several varieties of eye wall transparency

Spell Checker in English or Spanish.  Never send another email to your boss with spelling error 

Desktop Satellite (tm) function that will keep a current satellite image on your Windows Desktop

Forecast Model display program that shows all of the current forecast model tracks, even when there are no named tropical systems.

Cross Wind Analysis  shows the cross wind component of sustained winds and gusts across runways.

Average error ONLY forecast track.

Highly detailed Pan and Zoom maps which allow user to go down to the street level
Twenty Six Highly Detailed Fixed Tracking Charts, now also in 1400x1048
The ability to create fixed custom tracking charts
Ability to show counties and roadways on all tracking charts (US)
Satellite Image Map Tracking.  This allows the user to access satellite images as the tracking map background.
Radar Image Map Tracking.  This allows the user to access NWS radar images as the tracking map background.
Sea Surface Temperature Image Map Tracking.  This allows the user to utilize a choice of SST images as the tracking map background.
Landsat Image Tracking Charts.  This allows the user to view the storm track on fixed Landsat satellite images.  Provides a great way to see what land type usage is being impacted.
Topographical Tracking Charts.  This allows the user to view the storm track on topographical type maps.  Useful in determining what kind of terrain a storm is encountering or forecast to pass over.
Display NHC forecast path or NHC forecast path with average error on any chart
Support of National Hurricane Center's 96 and 120 hour forecast including estimation of storm's wind fields at those extended forecast hours..
Color Coded Storm Tracks.  Not a big deal but now you can have the storm track be color coded by storm strength.  Color are user definable. 
franani2.gif (31695 bytes) Animate the storms past and forecasted motion
Accurate graphical representation of the storm's eye, destructive eyewall, 34, 50 and 64 knot winds and wind field.
Sophisticated, climatology based forecast

Display hurricane forecast model tracks on any tracking chart 
Display "Chart Notes" indicating the storm's observed data
Display the areas of  hurricane and tropical storm watches and warnings
Display the storms past and forecast wind band analysis. Now with up to 10 levels.
Ability to display multiple storm tracks

Display National Weather Service forecast precipitation information on any tracking chart or county thematic map 

Display maximum forecast wind and precipitation forecast on county based thematic type maps  
Image20s.gif (1224 bytes) Plot the forecast or actual flood index on a tracking chart 
Display internally calculated Strike Probabilities
annotatenew.gif (52009 bytes) Enhanced Tracking Chart Annotation Capabilities
Extensive reporting capabilities     star.gif (439 bytes)
emailsend.gif (10183 bytes) Ability to send graphics, reports and text via EMAIL
Integration with Microsoft Outlook Email system.  Hurrtrak sends all email via Outlook. No longer does the user have to maintain 2 address books
franani2.gif (31695 bytes) Ability to save and/or send Animation files as animated GIFS.  Now send your favorite storm sequence via email.
Ability to save and/or send any report or graphic as a Adobe Acrobat PDF file.  Acrobat has become the standard in the sharing of documents and reports  You can send reports without being concerned about it's formatting.
htmlexport.gif (35607 bytes) Ability to export report data to HTML  
comma1.gif (19325 bytes) Ability to export report data to a comma delimited file

cap28as.gif (432 bytes)

Enhanced Windows printing capabilities
cap27s.gif (425 bytes) Copy (to clipboard) capability for ALL reports and storm data 
emailsend.gif (10183 bytes) Ability to send Alert EMail notices (Completely revamped in 2011) 
415s.gif (407 bytes) Automatically generate summary reports upon receipt of new data (Completely redesigned in 2011) 

Automatically create & update your "favorite" reports.
Includes a separate historical analysis program
QuickPlot feature that allows the user to get a quick, complete snapshot of the current tropical storm situation.
H*Wind Display Program. We have created a new program that provides an interactive method of viewing/analyzing the AOML/HRD data. 
mom2.gif (18109 bytes) Slosh Storm Surge MOM Data 

Graphically display hurricane reconnaissance reports utilizing highly detailed pan and zoom maps.  Now with HIRES support. 
351s.gif (241 bytes) Decision Support Capabilities which allow the user to define key action or decision points for a location. These action points are then displayed in  location impact reports and also used to depict "decision arcs"

New "risk alert" feature that allows the user to get a quick visual analysis of the the risk to their location.
700s.gif (1186 bytes) "What If Capabilities"   (Direct to Point)
Image21s.gif (1040 bytes) Maintain a "User Diary"   
ticker.gif (39443 bytes) Advisory "ticker"  
Vast location database  
fontoptions.gif (19582 bytes) Enhanced font options and control
uo21.gif (15144 bytes) Extensive user customization capabilities  
anicane.gif (4988 bytes) Graphical based custom map creation 
Image22s.gif (1135 bytes) Ability to customize the tracking chart colors  
Estimate the "missing" NHC forecast wind field information
980s.gif (1038 bytes) Landfall Analysis
HOLintegrate.gif (10359 bytes) Enhanced integration with HURRTRAK ONLINE  
960s.gif (1070 bytes) Analyze and Graph the  flood index for any location, county or zip code 
Conduct post storm analyses.
Display the storms 3D surface wind graph for any past or forecast time
mainstatus.gif (30702 bytes) Status bars on main screen   
The complete 1991 - 2021 storm database which includes all observations, forecast and advisory text
chartstatus.gif (20482 bytes) Status bars on tracking chart display   
Extensive astronomical tide database for over 20,000 US coastal sites 


Customer Comments

(requires Hurrtrak Online)


Global EM/Pro 2025
(requires Hurrtrak Online Global)

Network versions and site licenses are available for all products (call for pricing)

huriflg6.gif (13039 bytes)


System requirements:
Windows  7 or greater
Pentium based processor or greater
6 GB RAM, CD-ROM Drive
10 GB available hard disk space

Hurrtrak RM/Pro
Hurrtrak Advanced


What's up

NEW versions of the HURRTRAK software are now available for ordering.  Call us at 800 605-2230.


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